Veronica Lin Veronica Lin Author
Title: Simple Things to be Grateful Everyday
Author: Veronica Lin
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Things to Be Grateful For Everyday Feel that why am I a bad luck person? Why others are happier than me? That minds trap you in the...

Things to Be Grateful For Everyday

Feel that why am I a bad luck person? Why others are happier than me? That minds trap you in the circle of unhappiness. So is it really we are bad luck? Is it really others are happier?
Happy or sad is not depend on what happen at the outside, but it always come out from inside our mind.

To be happy is simple. The key always is TO BE GRATEFUL.
There are so much much things to be grateful for. And many of them are ordinary things that always happen to us every day. We always neglect them which actually are worth to be grateful for.

Here are some ordinary things to be grateful for every day. Once you really feel grateful for them, your life would be beautiful. Because it’s the ordinary things that make life extraordinary.
  1. Wake up. You’re alive.
  2. Breathing Fresh Air for free. Imagine if you need to buy a fresh air to breath.
  3. A long, hot shower or bath. Ahhh, feel the relaxation.
  4. Making the subway just before the doors close. Success!
  5. When the bus driver sees you running and waits 10 extra seconds to let you on.
  6. Your morning coffee. A cup of joy has outstanding health benefits. Not to mention, it’s a good excuse to catch up with your colleagues before your day begins.
  7. When someone sees your hands are full and opens the door for you. Don’t underestimate the power of a small gesture. 
  8. The moment when your food comes at a restaurant. Drool.
  9. When your favorite song comes on the radio. It will change your mood.
  10. Not setting an alarm on a weekend. You have few more hours to sleep.
  11. When your dog is so happy to see you. You’re loved.
  12. Office-provided snacks. There’s nothing wrong with loving free food.
  13. Alone time. At times it can feel less precious than it truly is. 
  14. Comfortable shoes. It’s like walking on a pillow.
  15. Being single. Think of how much independence you have. You are not defined by your relationship status.
  16. Your Parents. They gave you life.
  17. Your other half. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or just an awesome partner in crime. 
  18. Sharing a smile with a stranger. You’re friendly.
  19. Being outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine — what’s not to like?
  20. Long weekends. The second best thing next to long weekends? Four-day workweeks.
  21. The feeling you get after a long run. You got a healthy body.
  22. Having the bed all to yourself. You can basically drool, sleep diagonally, toss and turn or do whatever you want.
  23. The cold side of the pillow. There’s something oddly satisfying about it.
  24. The moment when you can’t control your laughter. A crazy things happen in your life.
  25. A good cry. Research shows letting out your emotions can make you feel better than before you even got upset in the first place.
  26. Opening a present. The fact that someone took the time to put thought into giving you something is a gift in itself.
  27. Lunch time. Taking a break from your desk will help improve your productivity. 
  28. When a package has bubble wrap. It doesn’t matter if you’re 5, 45 or 85, bubble wrap is a universally joyful product. Pop, pop.
  29. That feeling you get when you fix something. It doesn’t matter if it’s a pipe in the house or a knot in a necklace, it’s still an accomplishment.
  30. Yourself. You deserve all the happiness and kindness in the world — don’t forget it.


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